Podcast log - January 2024

published 6.2.2024


A log of podcasts that I've listened to in the past month.

Go Time: Ep. 290: Prototyping with Go

V Körbes returns to discuss with Natalie Pistunovich, Johnny Boursiquot, and Kris Brandow the effectiveness of Go as a prototyping language and its suitability for rapid development.

Go Time: Ep. 288: A Deep Dive into Go's Stack

In this episode, Mat Ryer and Kris Brandow are joined by Yarden Laifenfeld and David Chase to explore the inner workings of Go's stack and its implications for developers.

Go Time: Ep. 291: Go Templating Using Templ

Kris and Jon are joined by Adrian Hesketh and Joe Davidson to discuss Templ, an HTML templating language for Go, and its advantages over the standard library.