Podcast log - January 2024
published 6.2.2024
A log of podcasts that I've listened to in the past month.
Go Time: Ep. 290: Prototyping with Go
V Körbes returns to discuss with Natalie Pistunovich, Johnny Boursiquot, and Kris Brandow the effectiveness of Go as a prototyping language and its suitability for rapid development.
- Characteristics that make a language suitable for prototyping
- Advantages and challenges of using Go for prototypes
- Comparison of Go's prototyping capabilities with other languages
- Real-world examples of successful prototyping with Go
- Best practices for transitioning from prototype to production in Go
Go Time: Ep. 288: A Deep Dive into Go's Stack
In this episode, Mat Ryer and Kris Brandow are joined by Yarden Laifenfeld and David Chase to explore the inner workings of Go's stack and its implications for developers.
- The fundamentals of Go's stack management
- Scenarios prompting stack growth and shrinkage
- Interactions between stack and heap allocations
- Performance considerations related to stack operations
- Practical advice for developers to optimize stack usage
Go Time: Ep. 291: Go Templating Using Templ
Kris and Jon are joined by Adrian Hesketh and Joe Davidson to discuss Templ, an HTML templating language for Go, and its advantages over the standard library.
- Limitations of Go's "html/template" package
- Features and benefits of Templ
- Integrating Templ into Go projects
- Enhancing developer experience with better tooling