Read & Listen log - August 2020

published 6.9.2020


A log of articles, blog posts, and podcasts, that I've read and listened to in recent month.


Mostly documentation related to React Native, Fastlane, Firebase notifications, and Scheduled notifications on Android.



I liked the following podcast most:

What I didn't enjoy as much as I expected:

Startups For the Rest of Us: Ep.499 - The (First) Six Stages of SaaS Growth - Part 1

This week is a conversation between Rob and Jordan Gal, the founder of Cart Hook. We dig into the six stages of SaaS growth. We compare our journeys 1:1 between growing Drip and growing CartHook. It’s shocking how well the journeys line up with each other. Some of the differences in the journey are also quite striking. This episode is part one, and part two will go live later this week. Jordan started CartHook as cart abandonment software and became a checkout replacement solution for Shopify. He has been on the podcast a few times answering questions, and he has spoken at MicroConf a few times. He is also the co-host of the Bootstrapped Web podcast.

Startups For the Rest of Us: Ep.499 - The (First) Six Stages of SaaS Growth - Part 2

This week is the second part of a conversation between Rob and Jordan Gal, the founder of CartHook. In the episode, Rob and Jordan dig into the 4th, 5th and 6th stages of SaaS growth and compare their journeys 1:1 between growing Drip and growing CartHook. They come across several parallels between their journeys, as well as some differences. This episode is part two in a two-part conversation.

The Boagworld UX Show: How to Improve Your Projects With Lean User Research

We all know we should do user research, but making it happen can be hard. This post will show you ten ways you can do user research and suggest where you should focus.

RNR: Ep. 124 - Testing Libraries with Michał Pierzchała

Michał Pierzchała, a member of the JestJS core team, joins Charles Max Wood to discuss the React Native Testing Library. Michał explains why his team built the library and the problems they were experiencing with Enzyme. Enzyme and the React Native Testing Library are compared and the pro’s and con’s of using each is considered. Charles asks Michał about writing tests and pulling the library into a project. The panel discusses JestJS; Michał explains what he does for the JestJS team. Michał shares what the teams have in store for both JestJS and the React Native Testing Library. The episode ends with a discussion about React Native CLI.

Manager Tools: Fostering New Ideas and Innovation

Join Mark as he interviews Professor Thornhill of the University of Michigan Ross School of Business and discusses fostering innovation and new ideas in organizations.

Making UX Work with Joe Natoli: Ep. 01 - Daniel Bosnjak :: Planes, Passion and UX

I talk to UX Designer Daniel Bosnjak about high-risk UX in the world of aviation, dealing with disappointment and making the leap to UX entrepreneur.

Go Time: Ep. 134 - Beginnings

Mat Ryer talks to a new full-time Go programmer, an intern at Google, and a high-school programmer about the tech world from their perspective.

What does the Go community look like from those at various beginnings in their early careers. Benjamin Bryant has recently become a full-time Go programmer and shares insights valuable to those more senior as well as those more junior. Shaquille Que recorded this episode during his very first day as an intern at Google; we learn a little about his story. Aditya Prerepa is a very proactive high-school programmer who has already started learning code to build solutions to real world problems.