July 2019
Event planner
Prototype of an event planning web app.
frontendbackendprototypingbootstrappedstartupux designweb appSaaS
javascripthtmlcssmobxant designreactsqlite
Web application prototype to help venues and clients to communicate and plan events:
- venues could track and respond to all client requests, keeping a history for reference
- venues could manage supplies and personnel required for all events
- clients could browse through options the venue provides regarding food, beverages, activities, accommodation, etc.
- clients could plan seating, accommodation, schedule, etc.
- both sides could track the status of requests, changes in requirements, and track prices
This was a solo development project, where I worked on:
- Low-fidelity UX and UI prototyping
- developed UI screens to showcase the idea
- present to a venue to get feedback