Bootstrapped side projects where I took the idea from zero to production or to a functional prototype.
The projects I am most proud of are Stavime Svepomoci, Tendr, and Vabanque Site Generator.
Practicing tech skills and exploring new ideas through personal projects.
Web application for parents to easily create kids' stories with LLM.
prototypingbootstrappedbackendfrontenddevopsaigolangmysqldockerhtmxtailwind cssdiscordstripeoauthPudapp
macOS application to track items in the attic
prototypingbootstrappeddesktop appswiftfirebaseStavime Svepomoci
Web application for material, contractors, and service bidding and mediation.
frontendbackendbootstrappeddevopsweb appjavascriptrubyrailspostgresqltailwind cssnginxstimulus.jsTeam Toolset
Web application for roadmaps and team assignments visualization.
frontendbackendprototypingweb appux designdevopsbootstrappedstartuphtmlcssphpmysqljavascriptreactant designlaravelauth0braintreemobxVyuctujto
Web and mobile application for splitting bills and expenses with friends.
frontendux designmobile webweb appbootstrappedprototypinghtmlcssjavascriptreactmaterial uiEvent planner
Prototype of an event planning web app.
frontendbackendprototypingbootstrappedstartupux designweb appSaaSjavascripthtmlcssmobxant designreactsqliteTwo Days Prototype
Presentation of my apps prototyping service for clients who need a quick prototype of their idea.
A mobile app prototype for personal needs, providing customizable exercise sets and plans.
mobile appux designprototypingbackendbootstrappedreact nativenode.jsfirebasejavascriptTendr
Web app for tracking bids on goods and services provided by suppliers.
frontendbackendprototypingweb appdevopsbootstrappedstartuphtmlcssjavascriptrubyrailsansiblepostgresqlnginxawszurb uiEat Drink Party Play
EDPP was an entertainment guide app with recommendations provided by locals living in Las Vegas.
frontendbackendprototypingmobile webweb appdevopsbootstrappedhtmlcssjavascriptrubyrailsansiblebackbone.jspostgresqlUpdately
Web application prototype for managing team and status updates.
frontendbackendprototypingbootstrappedstartupux designweb appmanagement of small teamshtmlcsszurb uirubyrailsVladimír Přibyl
Website presentation of Vladimír Přibyl, a graphic designer specializing in brand, print, and visual design.
frontendbackendcmsbootstrappedhtmlcssphpmysqljavascriptVabanque Site Generator
A scaffolding web app, that allows clients to quickly create websites with CMS capabilities.
frontendbackendbootstrappedcmsprototypingweb apphtmlcssphpmysqljavascriptxmln-company
Website for a web development agency.