A collection of blog posts on various topics.
Using go private packages on local and with pipelines
It took me some time to figure out how to use private packages in go in dev environment, and with CI/CD pipeline. This should help me to refresh my memory, and maybe help you with your setup.
build automationdevopsbackendgolangdockershell4.1.2025
Podcast log - December 2024
A log of podcasts that I've listened to in the past month.
Podcast log - November 2024
A log of podcasts that I've listened to in the past month.
Podcast log - October 2024
A log of podcasts that I've listened to in the past month.
Podcast log - September 2024
A log of podcasts that I've listened to in the past month.
Podcast log - August 2024
A log of podcasts that I've listened to in the past month.
Podcast log - July 2024
A log of podcasts that I've listened to in the past month.
Podcast log - June 2024
A log of podcasts that I've listened to in the past month.
Podcast log - May 2024
A log of podcasts that I've listened to in the past month.
Podcast log - February 2024
A log of podcasts that I've listened to in the past month.
Podcast log - January 2024
A log of podcasts that I've listened to in the past month.
Podcast log - December 2023
A log of podcasts that I've listened to in the past month.
Podcast log - June 2021
A log of podcasts that I've listened to in the past month.
Podcast log - May 2021
A log of podcasts that I've listened to in the past month.
Read & Listen log - February/March 2021
A log of articles, blog posts, and podcasts, that I've read and listened to in recent months.
Read & Listen log - January 2021
A log of articles, blog posts, and podcasts, that I've read and listened to in recent month.
Rails with Webpacker and Blueprintjs
Blueprint.js is a UI toolkit by Palantir that I decided to try on my next project. I've been using Bootstrap, Material, Ant Design and custom in-house design systems in the past. I'd like to see how would Blueprint turn out compared to my favorite Ant Design.
frontendbackendprototypingquick tipcssjavascriptreactrailsblueprint.js16.1.2021
Read & Listen log - December 2020
A log of articles, blog posts, and podcasts, that I've read and listened to in recent month.
Setting up local rails development
After years, I got back to ruby and rails development. There's a lot of exciting changes in language, framework and gems, and I couldn't wait to dive into coding in RoR again.
backendweb appdevopsquick tiprubyrailsvirtualization3.12.2020
Read & Listen log - November 2020
A log of articles, blog posts, and podcasts, that I've read and listened to in recent month.
Read & Listen log - October 2020
A log of articles, blog posts, and podcasts, that I've read and listened to in recent month.
Read & Listen log - September 2020
A log of articles, blog posts, and podcasts, that I've read and listened to in recent month.
Read & Listen log - August 2020
A log of articles, blog posts, and podcasts, that I've read and listened to in recent month.
Developers' choices and where do I stand
I though it would be nice to write down where do I stand on various development topics. Mostly to have a memory on what and why did I use at certain point in time, what was the popular choice and what was my own reasoning. It would be interesting to have this reviewed after some time, to see how my preference evolves.
mobile applogprototypingweb appreact nativereactjavascriptbackbone.js3.8.2020
Read & Listen log - July 2020
A log of articles, blog posts, and podcasts, that I've read and listened to in recent month.
Read & Listen log - June 2020
A log of articles, blog posts, and podcasts, that I've read and listened to in recent month.
Typography in Material UI
Our UI design team follows Material guidelines, and they do their best to keep up within Typography limitations of Material design system. Nevertheless, they are short of typography styles to communicate UX the way they need to, and so they use additional typography styles. How could we meet UX requirements on UI side, and also keep our code clean?
frontendux designcssreactmaterial ui1.6.2020
Read & Listen log - May 2020
A log of articles, blog posts, and podcasts, that I've read and listened to in recent month.
Mentoring sessions recording setup
I thought it would be beneficial to see how I could improve my mentoring sessions. Not only the way I set these up, but also in what I react to, how I communicate, if I analyze challenges right on the fly, etc. To do this effectively, recording sessions was the first step. I checked with client and they agreed and even welcomed the idea.
quick tipremote workmentoring22.5.2020
Portfolio projects maintenance
In early 2020, I revamped my website and decided to improve my portfolio presentation.
As part of that effort, I also wanted to provide better screenshots and more insights into scope of the work on individual projects and client work that I did. With over 80 projects to go through, this was and still is a pretty long term goal.
Read & Listen log - April 2020
A log of articles, blog posts, and podcasts, that I've read and listened to in recent month.
A golden ticket from QA
Are you lucky to have a QA person, or a QA team, that helps you test your application? Are bug reports from QA easy to understand? Can you replicate the issue based on the ticket? How much time do you spend on gathering the required information?
View and modify Realm database on Android
Did you ever need to check what your Realm database contains during development? Do you need to modify Realm data and verify the changes in your emulator?
mobile appquick tipdebuggingreact nativeandroidterminalrealm30. 3. 2020
React Native emulator troubleshooting
How to cleanup android emulator data? What to do when emulator gets stuck while starting Remote JS debugging?
mobile appquick tipdebuggingreact nativeandroidterminal25. 3. 2020
Plan your week for success
Did you recently move to the remote work lifestyle? Do you wonder how someone could actually be productive while working from home?
The best thing that I ever started doing over the years of working from home, was planning for the next week ahead. Here, I'll show you how to start with it, and give you some tips based on what worked for me.
remote workmentoring